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Introduction and Instructions

Dear GBCBB Member and Friends,
As you know our long-time organist and director of music Barbara Green is retiring on June 12th.  In the first two weeks of February, our worship and celebration committee conducted five music ministry feedback sessions with thirty-five participants.  Feedback session participants shared about their experience with our music ministry including: what was meaningful to them, how their relationship with God was affected, what was missing (if anything), and their hope and vision for our music ministry.  Several themes emerged from these feedback groups. These included:  
·       Importance of keeping mixed/blended/diverse music ministry
·       The importance of a participatory experience in our music ministry
·       Unfamiliarity with songs/hymns can create a barrier to participation
·       Music ministry provides a place to belong
·       Through music ministry relationships were developed and deepened.
Based upon this feedback, worship and celebration team members are working in partnership with Pastor David and in consultation with our Deacons and Executive Committee to draft a vision for our future music ministry and staff position.  As part of this process, we are seeking congregational input through responses to the following three question survey.

Question Title

* 1. A Director of Worship and Music Ministries can fulfill many different responsibilities but cannot do everything. Please number the responsibilities below in the order of priority/importance with one being the most important responsibility and 10 being the least important.

  1. ____ Ability to integrate various music ministry teams into a blended whole, (ie:combining music groups together, such as children playing chimes with choir).
  2. Assist Pastor and lay worship leaders in publicly leading worship, assisting in the creation of a meaningful worship “flow” (including praying, introducing music, etc.)
  3. Direct / Lead the Children’s Choir
  4. Direct / Lead the Hand Bell Choir
  5. Direct / Lead the Praise Team
  6. Direct / Lead the Sanctuary Choir
  7. Play a musical instrument
  8. Recruit, equip, motivate, supervise, and shepherd music team leaders and musicians
  9. Technologically savvy, skilled with audio and recording technology
  10. Other_________________________________________________________

Question Title

* 2. Prioritize the musical instruments / skill below in the order you believe it's most important for a candidate to possess.

  1. ____ Play the guitar
  2. ____ Play the organ
  3. ____ Play the piano
  4. ____ Other

Question Title

* 3. The worship and celebration team has discussed that in addition to a paid staff person our congregation is very gifted, musically and in other ways.  We’ve discussed some of the responsibilities of a director of worship/music ministries may be staff led or lay led with staff supervision and support. Please share if you think the following roles / responsibilities are to be staff led, lay led or could be either.

  Staff Led Lay Led Either
Direct / Lead Children’s Choir
Direct / Lead Handbell Choir
Direct / Lead Praise Team
Direct / Lead Sanctuary Choir
Play a musical Instrument
Play the guitar
Play the organ
Play the piano
Recruit, equip, motivate, supervise, and shepherd music team leaders and musicians
Integrate various music ministry teams into a blended whole
Coordinate and support Technology (audio / live streaming) Ministry Teams
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