Lake County and their consultant, HELIX Environmental Planning are seeking public input for the proposed 584-acre John T. Klaus Community Park located northwest of the California State Route (SR) 20 and SR 53 intersection. The property was deeded to the County as part of the John T. Klaus Trust along with the condition that one-third of the land at the rear of the property be used as a refuge for wildlife, and the remaining two-thirds developed for youth sporting and athletic facilities. An initial site review and biological constraints analysis has been completed for the property. The County and HELIX have conducted the first of two public meetings to gather ideas as to the desired features and amenities for the park. This information will then be used to develop conceptual park plans for future review and comment by the public. In addition to the information gathered during the public meetings, the County is providing the following online survey for those unable to attend or wishing to provide additional input. Any questions or comments can also be directed to the Parks Recreation and Trails Division at

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Vicinity Map

Vicinity Map

Question Title

Site Analysis - Existing Site Conditions
(The purpose of this aerial image is to show existing site conditions.)

(If viewing image on computer, please right click mouse and select "open image in new tab". This will allow you to view map as a larger image)

Site Analysis - Existing Site Conditions<br>(The purpose of this aerial image is to show existing site conditions.)<br><span style="color: #000000;"><br>(If viewing image on computer, please right click mouse and select "open image in new tab". This will allow you to view map as a larger image)</span>

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1. How did you hear about this public meeting? (Please choose one)

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2. What is your age?

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3. How many people under the age of 18 are in your household?

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4. Which race or ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose one)

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5. Is English your first language?

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6. How long have you been a resident of Lake County? (Enter years)

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7. How far do you live from John T. Klaus Community Park? (Please choose one)

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8. Please list up to 10 amenities/features you would like included in John T. Klaus Community Park and rank in order of importance from 1-10. (1 being the most important and 10 being the least). Enter up to 10 amenities/features (in order of importance)

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9. Please list any park features/amenities you would NOT want included in the park? Enter up to 5 features/amenities

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10. What recreational programs would you like to see included with the park?