Below are the questions for the Clinical provider survey for Alaska Medicaid for state plan Community Behavioral Health and Mental Health Physician Clinic services. 

If a provider does not offer a particular service, please respond "N/A" on any questions related to that service.

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* 1. What is the name and contact information of the individual completing the survey? This will be utilized if more than one survey is completed by an organization to reach out to the organization to see which one to utilize.

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* 2. How many minutes does a direct service provider spend on clinical documentation (all documentation associated with the service record after the assessment, treatment planning, and service authorization activity) after an hour of individual clinic service?

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* 3. How many minutes does a direct service provider spend on clinical documentation (all documentation associated with the service record after the assessment, treatment planning, and service authorization activity) after an hour of group clinic service?

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* 4. How many minutes does a direct service provider spend on clinical documentation (all documentation associated with the service record after the assessment, treatment planning, and service authorization activity) after an hour of individual rehab service?

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* 5. How many minutes does a direct service provider spend on clinical documentation (all documentation associated with the service record after the assessment, treatment planning, and service authorization activity) after an hour of group rehab service?

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* 6. How many minutes of travel does a direct service provider spend on travel between worksites (not between their home and the work site) in a standard 40-hour workweek for clinic services?

Example: Suzie starts working at 8 AM in the admin building. At noon, she runs a group clinic in the Mat-Su. Travel time from the admin building to the group clinic at Mat-Su and back to the admin building would be counted above. Travel time from Suzie’s home to the admin building at the start of the day, and from the admin building to her home at the end of the day could not be counted above)

Question Title

* 7. How many minutes of travel does a direct service provider spend on travel between worksites (not between their home and the work site) in a standard 40-hour workweek for rehab services?

Example: Suzie starts working at 8 AM in the admin building. At noon, she runs a group service in the Mat-Su. Travel time from the admin building to the group service at Mat-Su and back to the admin building would be counted above. Travel time from Suzie’s home to the admin building at the start of the day, and from the admin building to her home at the end of the day could not be counted above)

Question Title

* 8. In a 40-hour workweek, how many hour(s) is there typically for no-shows for clinic services where the provider who would be rendering the service does not use the time freed up to perform any other work that would already be counted under productivity (such as catching up on documentation, receiving training, CPEs, etc.)?

Question Title

* 9. In a 40-hour workweek, how many hour(s) is there typically for no-shows for rehab services where the provider who would be rendering the service does not use the time freed up to perform any other work that would already be counted under productivity (such as catching up on documentation, receiving training, CPEs, etc.)?

Question Title

* 10. In a year, how many hours does a full-time equivalent (FTE) licensed provider (Physician, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Licensed Practical Nurse, Psychologist, Mental Health Professional Counselor) spend on supervision?

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* 11. In a year, how many hours does a full time equivalent (FTE) licensed provider (Physician, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Licensed Practical Nurse, Psychologist, Mental Health Professional Counselor) spend on case conferences?

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* 12. In a year, how many hours does a full-time equivalent (FTE) licensed provider (Physician, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Licensed Practical Nurse, Psychologist, Mental Health Professional Counselor) spend on clinical meetings?

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* 13. In a year, how many hours does a full-time equivalent (FTE) licensed provider (Physician, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Licensed Practical Nurse, Psychologist, Mental Health Professional Counselor) spend on administrative meetings?

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* 14. In a year, how many hours does a full-time equivalent (FTE) licensed provider (Physician, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Licensed Practical Nurse, Psychologist, Mental Health Professional Counselor) spend on staff meetings?

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* 15. In a year, how many hours does a full-time equivalent (FTE) licensed provider (Physician, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Licensed Practical Nurse, Psychologist, Mental Health Professional Counselor) spend on leadership meetings?

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* 16. In a year, how many hours does a full-time equivalent (FTE) licensed provider (Physician, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Licensed Practical Nurse, Psychologist, Mental Health Professional Counselor) spend on Continuing Professional Education (CPEs)?

Question Title

* 17. In a year, how many hours does a full-time equivalent (FTE) licensed provider (Physician, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Licensed Practical Nurse, Psychologist, Mental Health Professional Counselor) spend on training?

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* 18. In a year, how many hours does a full-time equivalent (FTE) unlicensed provider (Behavioral Health Clinical Associate, Substance Use Disorder Counselor) spend on supervision?

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* 19. In a year, how many hours does a full-time equivalent (FTE) unlicensed provider (Behavioral Health Clinical Associate, Substance Use Disorder Counselor) spend on case conferences?

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* 20. In a year, how many hours does a full-time equivalent (FTE) unlicensed provider (Behavioral Health Clinical Associate, Substance Use Disorder Counselor) spend on clinical meetings?

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* 21. In a year, how many hours does a full-time equivalent (FTE) unlicensed provider (Behavioral Health Clinical Associate, Substance Use Disorder Counselor) spend on administrative meetings?

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* 22. In a year, how many hours does a full-time equivalent (FTE) unlicensed provider (Behavioral Health Clinical Associate, Substance Use Disorder Counselor) spend on staff meetings?

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* 23. In a year, how many hours does a full-time equivalent (FTE) unlicensed provider (Behavioral Health Clinical Associate, Substance Use Disorder Counselor) spend on leadership meetings?

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* 24. In a year, how many hours does a full-time equivalent (FTE) unlicensed provider (Behavioral Health Clinical Associate, Substance Use Disorder Counselor) spend on Continuing Professional Education (CPEs)?

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* 25. In a year, how many hours does a full-time equivalent (FTE) unlicensed provider (Behavioral Health Clinical Associate, Substance Use Disorder Counselor) spend on training?

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* 26. What is the average time* in minutes spent completing one Behavioral Health Screening (T1023)?

*Time would be both the time performing the screening or assessment, as well as any set up, prep, or documentation of the service.

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* 27. What is the average time* in minutes spent completing one Alcohol and/or Drug Assessment (H0001)?

*Time would be both the time performing the screening or assessment, as well as any set up, prep, or documentation of the service.

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* 28. What is the average time* in minutes spent completing one Mental Health Intake Assessment (H0031)?

*Time would be both the time performing the screening or assessment, as well as any set up, prep, or documentation of the service.

Question Title

* 29. What is the average time* in minutes spent completing one Integrated Mental Health & Substance Use Intake Assessment (H0031-HH)?

*Time would be both the time performing the screening or assessment, as well as any set up, prep, or documentation of the service.

Question Title

* 30. What is the average time* in minutes spent completing one Psychiatric Assessment (90791)?

*Time would be both the time performing the screening or assessment, as well as any set up, prep, or documentation of the service.

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* 31. What is the average time* in minutes spent completing one Comprehensive Medication Services visit (H2010)?

*Time would be both the time performing the screening or assessment, as well as any set up, prep, or documentation of the service.

Question Title

* 32. What is the average time* in minutes spent completing one Treatment Plan Review for a Methadone Recipient (T1007)?

*Time would be both the time performing the screening or assessment, as well as any set up, prep, or documentation of the service.

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* 33. What is the average time* in minutes spent completing one Oral Medication Administration, direct observation, on premises (H0033)?

*Time would be both the time performing the screening or assessment, as well as any set up, prep, or documentation of the service.

Question Title

* 34. What is the average time* in minutes spent completing one Oral Medication Administration, direct observation, off premises (H0033-HK)?

*Time would be both the time performing the screening or assessment, as well as any set up, prep, or documentation of the service.

Question Title

* 35. What is the average time* in minutes spent completing one Methadone Administration service (H0020)?

*Time would be both the time performing the screening or assessment, as well as any set up, prep, or documentation of the service.

Question Title

* 36. What is the average time* in minutes spent completing one Medical Evaluation for a Recipient NOT Receiving Methadone Treatment (H0002)?

*Time would be both the time performing the screening or assessment, as well as any set up, prep, or documentation of the service.

Question Title

* 37. What is the average time* in minutes spent completing one Medical Evaluation for a Recipient Receiving Methadone Treatment (H0002-HF)?

*Time would be both the time performing the screening or assessment, as well as any set up, prep, or documentation of the service.

Question Title

* 38. What is the clinical staff to recipient ratio for Clinically Managed Detoxification (H0010)?

For example, if there are 5 recipients per each clinical staff person, the responses would be "5 recipients per 1 clinical staff person".

Question Title

* 39. What is the medical staff to recipient ratio for Clinically Managed Detoxification (H0010)?

For example, if there are 20 recipients per each medical staff person, the responses would be "20 recipients per 1 medical staff person".

Question Title

* 40. What is the clinical staff to recipient ratio for Medically Managed Detoxification (H0011)?

For example, if there are 5 recipients per each clinical staff person, the responses would be "5 recipients per 1 clinical staff person".

Question Title

* 41. What is the medical staff to recipient ratio for Medically Managed Detoxification (H0011)?

For example, if there are 20 recipients per each medical staff person, the responses would be "20 recipients per 1 medical staff person".

Question Title

* 42. What is the clinical staff to recipient ratio for Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment - Clinically Managed; Low Intensity (H0047)?

For example, if there are 5 recipients per each clinical staff person, the responses would be "5 recipients per 1 medical staff person".

Question Title

* 43. What is the clinical staff to recipient ratio for Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment - Clinically Managed; Medium Intensity (H0047 TF)?

For example, if there are 5 recipients per each clinical staff person, the responses would be "5 recipients per 1 medical staff person".

Question Title

* 44. What is the clinical staff to recipient ratio for Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment - Clinically Managed; High Intensity (H0047 TG)?

For example, if there are 5 recipients per each clinical staff person, the responses would be "5 recipients per 1 medical staff person".

Question Title

* 45. Detail what percent of groups for 'Psychotherapy, Group (90853 or 90853 - U7) have the following recipient to staff ratio. Please ensure the responses for each part combine to 100%.

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* 46. What percent of groups for 'Psychotherapy, Multi-Family Group (90849 or 90849 - U7) have the following recipient to staff ratio. Please ensure the responses for each part combine to 100%.

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* 47. What percent of groups for 'Therapeutic BH Services - Group (H2019 HQ) have the following recipient to staff ratio. Please ensure the responses for each part combine to 100%)

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* 48. In the prior 12 months, for methadone administration (H0020), please provide the:

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* 49. Did you attend the October 27, 2022 publicly noticed meeting on the Community Behavioral Health rebasing?

If not, please review the slide deck at prior to attempting to answer questions 50 or 51.

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* 50. Please provide your thoughts, if any, on how group rate(s) should be set.

1. Set at a percentage of the individual rate.

2. Priced through the model methodology (note - the rates would still have to be checked against the Clinic Upper Payment Limit for compliance in aggregate)

3. Other (specify)

Question Title

* 51. Please provide your thoughts, if any, on how to handle Clinic codes, given Upper Payment Limit considerations. Note - This doesn't affect rehab codes.

1. Move to Alaska Medicare rates, which would increase Mental Health clinic code in aggregate 16.5%, but each provider would experience a different fiscal impact, including a negative fiscal impact, depending on their utilization mix of services offered.

2. Continue to price the clinic codes through the model or set a percentage of the individual rate priced through the model. (Please note - Alaska Medicaid would still need to remain in compliance with the UPL and will have to check proposed clinic rates in a mock UPL prior to finalizing rates. Modeled rates may not be what move forward if it would cause the state to fail the UPL)

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* 52. Please provide any additional information you feel would be important for rate setting purposes.