OHBA Fee Increase

1.What member type are you?
2.Are you in favour of OHBA increasing their fees?
3.If OHBA were to increase their fees, what would be your preferred fee option:
4.If OHBA increases their fees, what would help you see more value in your OHBA membership? Check all that apply.
5.If OHBA were to increase their fees, and you are a member of more than one local HBA, would you have to/consider cancelling your membership with one or more of the locals?
6.If OHBA were to increase their fees, would you have to consider cancelling your DRHBA membership?
7.If OHBA were to increase their fees, would that impact your ability to support DRHBA financially?
8.Do you find value in your OHBA membership?
9.Do you find value in your CHBA membership?
10.Do you find value in your DRHBA membership?
11.If you could choose your membership, which would you prefer:
12.Would you be in support of DRHBA increasing their fees if that increase was earmarked to improving advocacy work at the municipal and regional levels?
13.Please provide any comments you have on the proposed OHBA fee increase that you would like DRHBA's board to consider when preparing their formal comments to OHBA.