Question Title

* 1. Which best describes your role?

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* 2. As it stands, the cyber insurance market is not sustainable

Question Title

* 3. Due to the threat of systemic risk, cyber risk is becoming uninsurable

Question Title

* 4. How well do you understand the level of systemic risk in your book

Question Title

* 5. Of all the lines of business, cyber is undergoing the most rapid evolution

Question Title

* 6. Incumbents are struggling to compete with new entrants

Question Title

* 7. Insureds overall have satisfactory cyber defence tools already in place

Question Title

* 8. The biggest challenges facing the cyber insurance market are... (pick your top 3)

Question Title

* 9. In your organisation do you anticipate hiring more cyber professionals in 2023?

Question Title

* 10. Where do you foresee the biggest growth in cyber insurance?

Question Title

* 11. What are the biggest technologies that are impacting the cyber insurance space?

Question Title

* 12. Which cyber threats are driving the biggest losses?

Question Title

* 13. What percentage of applicants have been able to meet the eligibility criteria imposed by insurers

Question Title

* 14. Which type of clients are most vulnerable to cyber-attacks?

Question Title

* 15. Which risk mitigation measures/risk engineering services are most important for increasing cyber resilience?

Question Title

* 16. Who is best placed to deliver risk mitigation/risk engineering services to insureds?

Question Title

* 17. How likely are you to use an external risk mitigation/engineering service to support your services?

Question Title

* 18. Which carriers, brokers and technology companies are leading the way when it comes to cyber?

Question Title

* 19. What is most likely to improve the profitability of cyber insurance?

Question Title

* 20. Which cyber risk vendors/technology companies are you working with to facilitate cyber insurance?

Question Title

* 21. To receive the results of the survey, enter your email below

Thank you for completing the Intelligent Insurer’s Annual Cyber Survey 2023.  

We’ll send you the result of the survey in the next few weeks!