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* 1. What is your name? 

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* 2. Are you registered to attend the AIA Design in the Hills event? If so, will you be attending all day, just the afternoon, or not at all?

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* 3. Will you be bringing a significant other or family with you to the Thursday night CO-OP Social? 

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* 4. Do you or your family member(s) have food allergies or restrictions?

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* 5. Are you going to drive yourself in your own car or would you like to be included in a company-car ride share?  
(FYI trips to & from Rapid City will be accepted on reimbursables)

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* 6. If you are going to stay later on Friday or for the weekend & want to do more things with co-workers...which Friday afternoon activity are you interested in?

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* 7. If you would like to do a hike on Friday afternoon (weather permitting), please rank your interest on the hikes below. 1 being the one your most interested in, 5 being the one your least interested in.

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* 8. How excited are you to spend some quality time with your co-workers?!

Mostly excited Really excited Super excited
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.