Expression of Interest Form

Please complete each section with as much detail as possible to help us plan for your interview.

Question Title

* 1. Your first name

Question Title

* 2. Your last name

Question Title

* 3. Your CSU student ID

Question Title

* 4. Your email contact

Question Title

* 5. Mobile phone number

Question Title

* 6. In which Faculty, are you based?

Question Title

* 7. In which school, institute or center are you based?

Question Title

* 8. What is your current or proposed research title?

Question Title

* 9. Your Principal Supervisor's name

Question Title

* 10. Your Principal Supervisor's email

Question Title

* 11. Please indicate which of the following is applicable

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* 12. At what stage of your research program are you currently?

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* 13. Please briefly describe your research topic in language that a lay audience will understand. (100-150 words)

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* 14. Please share a brief bio or a link to your bio or profile. (100-150 words)

Question Title

* 15. Have you discussed your participation in Radio 2MCE with your Principal Supervisor?