Longreach Visitor Disaster Preparedness Survey

Longreach Visitor Disaster Preparedness Survey

Hi, this survey is to gather information on the natural disaster (e.g. flooding, severe storms, bushfires, heatwave, pandemic) preparedness of visitors to the Longreach Region. We thank you for participating.
1.What is your age group?(Required.)
2.What is your gender?(Required.)
3.What is your home State and Postcode(Required.)
4.Do you have past experience with floods?
(If no please proceed to Q7)
5.If yes, where were you during this event?
6.If yes, what was the level of impact on you?
7.Please assess the following questions on a scale from 1 to 5 (1 being very low and 5 being very high)(Required.)
Please estimate your current level of knowledge about emergency services response to floods in Queensland
Please assess the likelihood of a flood occurring in Longreach
Please evaluate the potential severity of a flood in Longreach
8.Do you have past experience with bushfires?
(If no please proceed to Q11 )
9.Where were you during this event?
10.If yes, what was the level of impact on you?
11.Please assess the following questions on a scale from 1 to 5 (1 being very low and 5 being very high)(Required.)
Please estimate your current level of knowledge about emergency services response to bushfires in Queensland
Please assess the likelihood of a bushfire occurring on Longreach
Please evaluate the potential severity of a bushfire in Longreach
12.What is your preferred communication channel of receiving information regarding preparation and useful actions for responding to natural disasters and severe weather events in Longreach? (PLEASE ONLY PICK ONE ANSWER)(Required.)
13.What is your preferred source for information regarding preparation and useful actions for responding to natural disasters and severe weather in Longreach? (PLEASE ONLY PICK ONE ANSWER)(Required.)
14.Please consider the extent you agree with these statements.(Required.)
Not at all
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I am prepared for a natural disaster (e.g, flood or bushfire)
I know what to do if a natural disaster happens when I am travelling in Longreach
I know where to turn for help in a natural disaster when travelling.
15.Are you aware that most of QLD local Councils have a Disaster Dashboard?(Required.)
16.In the event of a natural disaster event (e.g. flood, severe storm, bushfire, heatwave, pandemic), to what extent would you use a Chatbot Interactive Virtual Assistant on a webpage.(Required.)
17.How can emergency communication channels be improved to better accommodate accessibility and inclusivity? Plese suggest features such as language options, audio/visual aids, mobility considerations, etc., that you believe would enhance accessibility and inclusivity.