COVID-19: Our Post-LockDown Attitudes and Preparedness

Questions on COVID-19: Post-LockDown Attitudes and Preparedness

THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING. We are interested in understanding how the Nigerian community will act after the LockDown. This survey is being supported by medical personnel in Nigeria to assist stakeholders in assisting our communities. It is designated a Special Intervention Project Against COVID-19 Spread (SIPACS). 
1.What is  COVID-19?
2.Are you happy the strict LockDown is ending?
3.Did you receive any support (palliatives)  from the Nigerian government during the LockDown?
4.How many weeks were you in LockDown or Quarantine at home?
5.How many times do you plan to leave your home in the next wekk?
6.Will you use a Face Mask or Sanitizer when leaving your home?
7.Will you use Public transport to move about?
8.Will you be visiting a crowded place like bank, market or public  office?
9.Do you know have a friend, family or colleague who has been diagnosed of coronavirus disease / COVID-19?
10.What is the highest level of education you have completed?