Feedback Questionnaire

The World Health Organization (WHO) launched version 1.0 of the PRS in November 2017.
During this first year of its implementation, we would like to better understand who is employing the PRS and how. The goal is to apply user feedback to improve future iterations.  

Please fill out the following questions (approximately 10 minutes) and leave us your comments here. Thank you!

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* 1. Which type of SRMNCAH programming do you focus on? (Please check all that apply.)

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* 2. How would you identify your main role within SRMNCAH work?

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* 4. Overall, how well do the PRS meet your needs?

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* 5. Please explain in more detail how the PRS met your needs (Q3).

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* 6. How easy was it to find the information requested for the 24 PRS items?

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* 7. Please explain your response to Q4 in more detail, what was difficult/easy?

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* 8. What are you using the PRS for? 

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* 9. Would you recommend the PRS to others? 

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* 10. Please expand on your response to Q8, why or why not?

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* 11. How did you hear about the PRS?

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* 12. Please share with us any other comments or suggestions about how we can improve the PRS