Employer Survey - Non Levy

Growth and Skills Levy Reform questionnaire

1.Do you recruit apprentices in your organisation?
2.How many apprentices do you recruit every year?
3.How do you pay for your apprenticeship training?
4.Would you use funds through a DAS account to pay for alternative training if you had the option to?
5.Would restricting the amount of apprentices you currently recruit impact negatively on your organisation?
6.How many of your apprentices are new entrants to your organisation?
7.What age group best describes your new apprenticeship entrants?
8.If shared Levy was not available to you and you had to pay 5% contribution would this stop you recruiting Apprentices?
9.What other training would you like to have funded by Skills England
10.What sector best describes your organisation
11.Did you complete this survey with support from Trifle Solutions?