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What is your region?

The information that you provide will be used by your regional co-leads to contact you regarding future meetings and to provide you with additional information.

Please review the OCPIM regional map to determine your region.

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* 1. What region do you represent based on the OCPIM regional map?

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* 2. Are there efforts in your region focused on reducing infant mortality?

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* 3. If yes, please list the efforts in your region that are focused on reducing infant mortality. If no, enter N/A.

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* 4. Are you involved in any efforts related to maternal and child health?

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* 5. Which format would you prefer for regional meetings?

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* 6. Please rank the four OCPIM priority areas based on your community's needs.

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* 7. List up to three primary concerns that should guide your region's efforts to eliminate disparities in infant mortality—for example, discrimination.

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* 8. By completing the following, you agree to be an active and contributing member of OCPIM.

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* 9. Provide your contact information.

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* 10. We welcome further comments or questions here.

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