Question Title

* 1. What is your relationship to the child/children enrolled in Cascade Public Schools?

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* 2. How many children do you have in your household? 

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* 3. What grade is your child/children currently in at Cascade Public Schools? (Please select all that apply)

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* 4. Does everyone in your household have health insurance?

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* 5. Does everyone in your household have dental insurance?

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* 6. Do you have someone who you consider to be your child’s/children’s doctor or health care provider?

Question Title

* 7. When was the last time your child had a checkup?

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* 8. During the past year, where has your child gone the most for his/her medical care (example: shots, check-ups, physicals, sickness, colds)? (Please mark one)

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* 9. During the past three years, was there a time when you or a family member in your household felt you needed healthcare services but did NOT get, or delayed getting service?

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* 10. If you answered “Yes” to question 9 above, what were the most important reasons why you or a family member did not receive the care you needed? (Please select all that apply.)

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* 11. If health care services were not available at the proposed School-Based Health Center at Cascade Public Schools, would you be able to get health care for your child? (Please mark all that apply.)

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* 12. What services would you like to see offered at this School-Based Health Center? (Please mark all that apply.)

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* 13. Do you support having school-based health services at Cascade Public Schools?

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* 14. True or False: The school-based services would save you a trip to the doctor.

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* 15. True or False: The school-based center could be a valuable service to the community.

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* 16. Would you want your child accessing care at the school-based health center?

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* 17. Would you access care at the school-based health center if needed?

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* 18. If you were to access care at the school-based health center, what are the best days for you to access care?  (Please select all that apply.)

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* 19. If you were to access care at the school-based health center, what are the best times for you to access care? (Please select all that apply.)

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* 20. What is the best way to get communication about the School-Based Health Center to you? (Select the top two ways to communicate with you)

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* 21. How do you learn about health services in your community? (Please select all that apply.)

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* 22. Feel free to list comments on how you feel about having a school-based health service at Cascade Schools:

50% of survey complete.