Thank you for agreeing to be an ACMP “Featured Member.” We want to find out more about the fabulous and unique people who make up our international chamber music community!
Tell us your personal story and we will feature you on the homepage of our website and link to your story in our social media. (Your story will be archived in the ACMP blog after that.)

Question Title

* 1. Name 

Question Title

* 2. Email

Question Title

* 3. Please list your social media handles, if you have them

Question Title

* 4. Does ACMP have your permission to share your photo and a link to your story on our social media accounts?

(If you are sending us a photo including other people, please check that we have their permission as well.)

Question Title

* 5. Instrument(s) or voice type (if you sing)

Question Title

* 6. Where you live (city, province/state, country)

Question Title

* 7. Where you are from (if different from where you live, above)

Question Title

* 8. Please tell us a bit about yourself. What do you do outside musical activities (your job, other hobbies/passions)? And other than chamber music, are there other musical activities you engage in? (Your answers will generate a blog article, so please answer in complete sentences and write at least one paragraph - more if you have a lot to say!)

Question Title

* 9. How did you get involved in chamber music and why did you become an ACMP member? Which benefits of being a member have you enjoyed since? (Your answers will generate a blog article, so please answer in complete sentences and write at least one paragraph - more if you have a lot to say!)

Question Title

* 10. What kinds of chamber music experiences and relationships are you seeking? (Your answers will generate a blog article, so please answer in complete sentences and write at least one paragraph - more if you have a lot to say!)

Question Title

* 11. Please upload a fun photo of yourself - with or without your instrument - or email it to

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 12. Please include any captions or credits for photo number 1.

Question Title

* 13. Optional second photo

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 14. Please include any captions or credits for photo number 2.

Question Title

* 15. Optional third photo

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 16. Please include any captions or credits for photo number 3.

OPTIONAL: You can also email Joseph at, a short landscape video (up to 5 minutes in duration) of you introducing yourself and telling us something about yourself and your chamber music experience that we can post to Instagram and embed in the article (This can be done on a smartphone)