Welcome to Faversham Town Council’s Residents’ Survey. We want to hear your views on living in Faversham; the work of the Town Council and your Councillors, and the services and facilities it provides.

Although the Town Council is not directly responsible for dealing with some of the areas covered in this survey such as anti-social behaviour, we work closely with other agencies to highlight any issues, and to help resolve areas of concern.

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* 1. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Faversham as a place to live?

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* 2. What things do you like about living in Faversham

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* 3. What things do you least like about living in Faversham

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* 4. What would you like to see improved in Faversham?

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* 5. How strongly do you feel you belong to the Faversham area?

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* 6. How often do you use local services and amenities in Faversham?

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* 7. Are you aware of Faversham Town Council's role?

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* 8. Does Faversham Town Council provide value for money?

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* 9. How easy is it for you to contact a Faversham Town Councillor?

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* 10. Have you heard of the Faversham & District Community Lottery, set up by Faversham Town Council in 2021?

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* 11. Did you know that Faversham Town Council produces a quarterly newsletter, delivered to every household in Faversham by Royal Mail?

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* 12. How safe or unsafe do you feel when outside in Faversham after dark?

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* 13. Thinking specifically about the environment, what actions would you like to see Faversham Town Council taking to make a difference in the local area?

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* 14. Thinking specifically about youth services, what actions would you like to see Faversham Town Council taking to make a difference to local young people?

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* 15. Are there any other comments that you would like Faversham Town Council to be aware of?

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* 16. What Ward do you live in? See map for Faversham Wards (link to be provided)

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* 17. What age group do you fit into?

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* 18. What gender do you identify as?