We need your input!

Shine: Living in God’s Light is a collaborative publishing project of MennoMedia and Brethren Press. The Shine team is developing faith formation resources that help youth make sense of faith. Please complete this brief survey (and share the survey link with others responsible for ministry with youth in your church). Note that we use the term “youth” broadly to include both middle and high school youth. Please respond by Monday, July 29. We look forward to hearing your feedback!

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* 1. Does your congregation currently offer Sunday School for youth?

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* 2. Does your congregation currently offer youth group or midweek programming for youth?

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* 3. How many youth regularly attend Sunday school, if offered?

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* 4. How many youth regularly attend youth group or midweek programming, if offered?

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* 5. What tools or resources do you use or have you used with youth for faith formation?

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* 6. What do you look for in resources for youth? Rate the following characteristics.

  Not Important Extremely Important
Use of media (videos, music, apps, etc.)
Themes that relate to the life experiences of youth
Conversation prompts
Social justice emphasis
Bible study focus
Emphasis on Jesus’ life and teachings
Emphasis on discipleship or living out faith in God
Ease of use
Fun and engaging activities

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* 7. Looking ahead to 2025, which three of these formats best describe the resources you will need in your ministry with youth? (Choose three)

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* 8. Which five Bible topics would most interest your youth or would you like your youth to study? (Choose 5)

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* 9. Which five of these topics would be most relevant for your youth? (Choose 5)

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* 10. Have you or your church purchased youth resources from Shine or its publishers (MennoMedia and Brethren Press) in the past?

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* 11. How likely are you to purchase youth resources from Shine or its publishers in the next 3 years?

Not Likely Not Sure Very Likely
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 12. Optional: If you would like to provide additional feedback about resources for youth, please provide your name, email, and/or phone number.