Unions Tasmania

212 Liverpool Street, Hobart

Conference Open: 10:30am Tuesday 26 March

Conference Close: 2:30pm Wednesday 27 March

Our conference places are limited by capacity.

If you would like to join us, please express your interest asap and we will be in touch as quick as we can to confirm your attendance.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Details:

Question Title

* 2. Gender:

Question Title

* 3. Do you have any dietary requirements? If yes please provide details:

Question Title

* 4. What is your preferred T-shirt size?

We’re looking forward to this opportunity to come together!
If you experience any issues registering please email:
Operations Support Officer John McKenzie at jmckenzie@asuvictas.com.au

“The ASU works to protect and advance the interests of its members and the industries they work in. From time to time, we may provide news and campaign updates to non-members who have provided us with their details via petition, survey, attendance sheet, or any other document where details are provided. You can unsubscribe from these updates at any time, and you can read our full privacy policy on the ASU Vic/Tas website.”

Authorised by Lisa Darmanin, Branch Secretary, ASU Victorian & Tasmanian Authorities & Services Branch

116 Queensberry Street, Carlton South, Victoria, 3053