Question Title

* 1. How would you rate the following broad conference topics?

  Need to know Nice to know Somewhat relevant Irrelevant I would never attend something on this topic
Preventing and recovering from package-related catastrophes and recalls
Flexible packaging / On the Go packaging innovations
Strategies and technologies for world class packaging sterilization and safety
Packaging supply chain innovations
Sustainability in packaging
Packaging optimization workshop
Innovations in packaging design
Interactive packaging and printed electronics
Packaging for Millennials / Packaging for the aging population
Packaging - quality by design
Packaging automation and robotics strategies to reduce cost

Question Title

* 2. Please rate your interest in each of the following specific topics

  Need to know Nice to know Somewhat relevant Irrelevant I would never attend something on this topic
Recalls (How to prevent a recall, how to survive a recall, overview of market recalls and regulatory authority, ROI on preventing recalls)
Inspecting package integrity online versus offline sampling
How to audit suppliers for material quality
Intelligent labeling & reactive labeling for Packaging
Managing data (production identification data and/or testing results data)
Writing a machine specification to ensure it meets your Hygienic Needs
Avoid package performance failures in the supply chain
Maintaining cargo security throughout the supply chain
Ensuring product-to-package compatibility
Designing packaging and labeling that help prevent user error and catching errors before printing
Pros and cons of physical versus virtual testing

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* 3. Who do you want to hear from at a packaging conference?

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* 4. Please indicate your industry sector

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* 5. Are there any particular individuals/organizations you would like to hear from?

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* 6. If there was 1 topic you would need to see on the WestPack 2015 Anaheim conference program for you to pay to attend - what would it be?

Question Title

* 7. Which other educational conferences do you attend?

Question Title

* 8. Which associations are you a member of?