Intake for green infrastructure proposals

Green Communities Canada's Living Cities Canada Fund supports local equity-embedded green infrastructure projects.

Green infrastructure projects are any project in which native plants and other natural or engineered features are installed with a goal to:

- Increase stormwater infiltration, reduce localized flooding, reduce stormwater pollutants; and/or
- Cool urban areas, provide shade, improve local air quality, increase canopy cover; and/or
- Increase access to green space, connections to nature, and create a sense of belonging; and/or
- Sequester carbon, enhance biodiversity, support pollinators, create habitat for species at risk; and/or
- Address issues of food security, install fruit-bearing trees or bushes, re-establish cultural or medicine plants on the landscape.

Green infrastructure projects are often developed and designed alongside community and site hosts to meet local priorities, but may include strategies such as: depaving of under-utilized asphalt, and/or installation of rain gardens, pollinator gardens, micro prairies, mini forests, community garden plots, etc.

If you meet the following eligibility criteria, please fill out this form.

Eligibility: If your organization is a community-based nonprofit, municipality, school, academic institution, or private sector firm, and you are planning a green infrastructure project on a public or publicly accessible site, you are eligible to fill out this form.

Note that priority will be given to community-based, registered non-profit organizations whose projects have a strong equity focus. Your proposed green infrastructure site must be located within Canada to be eligible.

This intake form is meant to help capture information from prospective partners who would like to install green infrastructure projects in their community. Intake submission does not constitute a partnership commitment, or promise of funding from Green Communities Canada.

Please note we are no longer accepting project proposals for 2024, but are leaving this intake form open for projects starting Spring 2025.
1.Organization Name
2.Organization Location (City, Province)
3.Project Lead (name, title)(Required.)
4.Project Lead (email)(Required.)
5.Has your organization ever coordinated a green infrastructure event with GCC before?
Some examples include Depave Paradise projects, mini forests, rain gardens or pollinator gardens.
6.How long has your organization been working on green infrastructure related, or tree planting projects?
7.What type of green infrastructure project are you planning?
8.Do you have a site in mind for your green infrastructure project?(Required.)
9.When do you intend to implement your Green Infrastructure project?
10.If you have one or more projects/site(s) already identified, please share a short description of your project in the comment box below. Please include the site name(s), address(es), site size(s), and approximate number of plants in addition to summary information about your project.
11.Do you anticipate working alongside other local partners to coordinate your green infrastructure project?(Required.)
12.If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please name the partners you anticipate reaching out to about the project and identify their role.

Note: Green Communities Canada is happy to support community organizations partnering with their municipalities or other local institutions on this program.
13.Does your project help to address a local environmental or social issue? Please tell us about the potential impacts of your project.
14.The Living Cities Canada Fund, Demonstration stream provides grants of up to 15000 to partners to enable their on the ground work. Please let us know your funding needs (numerical response only).
Thank you for your responses - we'll be in touch about next steps if we are able to support your project. If you have any questions or comments in the meantime, please email Green Communities Canada Green Infrastructure Program Lead, Jenn McCallum, at .