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This is a survey for the employees of the Civil Aviation Authority of Fiji. This survey is intended to provide the management of the organization with better insight into how we can improve the workplace environment.

Question Title

* 1. Please give your assessment of CAAF on the following descriptions by ticking one of the numbers from 1 to 5 for each of the descriptions.

  Below Average Average Satisfactory Above Satisfactory Very Good
Compensation to employees
Opportunity for advancement
Friendly work environment
Performance Evaluation
Work Environment
Job Security
Flexibility in performing job
Overall satisfaction with job

Question Title

* 2. From the list below what are some issues faced by you?

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* 3. What factors led you to accept a job with CAAF?

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* 4. Is the company’s mission statement clear, and does it inspire you to contribute your best work? 

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* 5. Did your job turn out to be as you expected? 

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* 6. How has your perception of work changed during the time you have been here? Please explain

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* 7. Do you believe you had good induction to enable you to be a productive employee? 

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* 8. Do you feel valued as an employee of this organization?

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* 9. Is the trainings you receive sufficient to enable you to meet the Authority’s performance expectations? 

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* 10. What additional training should you be provided with? Why?

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* 11. Are you receiving sufficient feedback about your performance with evaluation reviews (PMS)?

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* 12. Are you satisfied with the Authority’s PMS process?

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* 13. How can the Authority assist you to do your job better?

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* 14. How happy or unhappy are you with your opportunities for advancement at CAAF?

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* 15. How would you evaluate the quality of the supervision you receive from your supervisor?

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* 16. What does your supervisor need to do to improve his/her Management style?

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* 17. How clearly does your supervisor rely information from Top Management?

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* 18. The information and resources I need to do my job effectively are readily available.

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* 19. How would you rate the morale in your department?

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* 20. Alongside existing benefits, what other benefits would you like to see the company offer in the future?

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* 21. How helpful is CAAF with fulfilling your career goals?

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* 22. Name one improvement that you would like to bring in to CAAF and why?

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* 23. If you could change anything about how CAAF operates, what would it be?

Question Title

* 24. Please give your assessment on the following department / sections from the scale of 1 -5 to indicate the level of support you obtain by ticking one of the numbers from 1 to 5 for each of the descriptions.

  Below Average Average Satisfactory Above Satisfactory Very Good N/A
Finance Department
Human Resources Department
IT Department
Legal Department
Quality Assurance Department
Air Safety Department
Aviation Security & Facilitation Department
Personnel Licensing Department
Ground Safety Department
Standards Department

Question Title

* 25. What department do you work in?

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* 26. Do you have any other questions, comments or concerns?