The Washington State Nursing Clinical Placement Initiative was funded by the Washington State Legislature to facilitate communication between nursing education programs and health care facilities for the purpose of increasing clinical education and practice experiences for nursing students.

One of the goals of this initiative includes gathering data to assess current clinical placement practices.
All health care employers with current or potential clinical placements are invited to participate. Your involvement is crucial to the success of this initiative. Participation will include:
  • Data collection including current placement practices, opportunities and needs.
  • Once you complete this survey, you will be added to our stakeholder list. If you have questions, please contact Lucy Merry at
Please use the following definitions to answer the survey and forward to your clinical coordinator partners as needed.
Clinical placement – A student or group of students attend a patient care environment to practice competencies and apply theoretical concepts under the supervision of clinical faculty who are typically on site for direct observation. Students are not assigned to a specific preceptor but may seek guidance from unit staff if needed.

Practicum – A single student is assigned to work 1:1 with a preceptor typically during the last quarter of their program. Direct supervision is provided by the preceptor. Clinical faculty provide indirect guidance, but are not on site for direct observation.

Calendar year - January through December 2024.

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* 1. Key Contact Name

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* 2. Organization Name (please spell out and avoid abbreviations)

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* 3. Organization Address

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* 4. Type (s) of Organization

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* 5. In the 2024 calendar year, has your organization hosted any nursing students for clinical placements?

20% of survey complete.