
Dear Publishers, 

Since late 2022, Colorado Media Project (CMP), Colorado Press Association (CPA), and the Colorado News Collaborative (COLab) have been working in partnership to support a working group into the future of printing in the State of Colorado.

Many CPA members and publishers have highlighted that the COVID-19 pandemic and broader inflationary pressures have exacerbated existing challenges related to the cost and availability of printing services across Colorado. The importance of this topic has been drawn into sharp focus with the recent announcement of the impending closure of Gannett's printing facility in Pueblo. 

Understanding your current situation and pain points are vital to inform this work. Please take 15 minutes to respond to this survey by 5 p.m. this Friday, June 30

The three primary goals of this working group are:

1. Gain a granular understanding and health check on the current state of printing in Colorado.

2. Source insights and data on how publishers and print media intend to respond to inflationary pressures and other challenges in the short to medium term.

3. Explore exemplars of best practice within Colorado and other states, to understand any interesting approaches currently being undertaken to mitigate challenges.

The majority of data in this report will be presented and shared as aggregate data and non-identifiable. Information that will be shared on request includes: your organization's name, whether your organization has been directly impacted by the closure of the Pueblo Printing Facility, and if you have been able to secure an alternative printing service provider. 

The results of this survey will be shared in aggregate form with publishers in a final report due for release in the fall of 2023.

Trust that your perspective matters and is much needed to inform this important report for the industry.


CMP, CPA, and COLab.

Question Title

* 1. What is the name of your organization and titles under management?

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* 2. Please provide the ZIP code of where your organization is based?

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* 3. How many full time, part time, and contract / temporary workers do you currently employ?

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* 4. How old is your organization?

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* 5. In which formats do you publish?

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* 7. If you selected 'carrier' in Q6, please select the statement which best applies to your circumstances.

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* 8. How many print subscribers do you have across all titles?

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* 9. How many digital subscribers do you have across all titles?

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* 10. Estimate your % of print subscribers by age group? Please ensure the numbers you provide add up to 100%. If one group is 0% then insert 0. If you do not have this information, enter 100 into the line for unknown. 

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* 11. Estimate your % of digital subscribers by age group? Please ensure the numbers you provide add up to 100%. If one group is 0% then insert 0. If you do not have this information, enter 100 into the line for unknown.

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* 12. How would your characterize the trajectory of your publication/s total print subscriptions in the last three years?

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* 13. How would your characterize the trajectory of your publication/s total digital subscriptions in the last three years?

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* 14. Do you have a digital paywall?

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* 15. Do you offer a digital replica of your newspaper (eEdition)?

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* 16. How many miles (roughly) is your printer from your circulation area?

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* 17. Has your organization been directly impacted by the planned closure of Gannett's printing facility in Pueblo?