Willow Fall Reopening Survey #2

Now that we've shared our current thinking on our fall reopening plans in our first Parent Town Hall Meeting, we wanted to check in with you again! 

If you missed the meeting, you can watch it here: Fall Reopening Parent Town Hall - July 29, 2020.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. 
1.Your Name:(Required.)
2.Which grades(s) will your children be attending this fall?(Required.)
3.Have you attended or viewed our July 29 Parent Town Hall webinar?(Required.)
4.Understanding the information shared in our Parent Town Hall webinar, how are you currently planning your child’s participation at Willow this fall? (Required.)
5.Here is our current mask policy:

Students will be required to wear masks except when outdoors (as long as social distancing is maintained) or seated at desks enclosed by plastic dividers spaced six feet apart or wearing face shields while seated at desks spaced six feet apart (e.g. lunch and snack). Teachers and staff will wear masks at all times in school buildings and when social distancing cannot be maintained outdoors. We are exploring face shields as a viable alternative to masks, and preschool mask requirements have not been determined yet.

While we know that no policy is going to be ideal for everyone, how comfortable are you with this policy?
6.Now that we know more about reopening campus, are there additional questions, thoughts, or comments you would like to share with our planning teams?