Parent Satisfaction Survey

Your feedback is invaluable! Our Parent Satisfaction Survey is a brief questionnaire designed to gauge your thoughts on various aspects of our school. Your responses will aid us in understanding your experiences, identifying strengths, and pinpointing areas for improvement. We highly value your insights to enhance our school community. Your participation ensures that we continue providing the best possible education for your child. Please take a few moments to share your thoughts. Together, we can make St Joseph's School Barmera an even more nurturing and thriving environment. Thank you for your time and continued partnership in shaping the future of our school. All responses are confidential.

Question Title

* 1. My child benefits by attending St Joseph's School Barmera

Question Title

* 2. I am satisfied with the academic rigor and learning my child receives.

Question Title

* 3. I am satisfied with the communications provided by the school.

Question Title

* 4. I am easily able to contact and communicate with my child's teacher regarding issues involving my child/children.

Question Title

* 5. How satisfied are you with the following aspects of St Joseph's School Barmera?

  Neutral Somewhat satisfied Extremely satisfied
Faith Formation
Social/Emotional Wellbeing

Question Title

* 6. What do you value most about our school?

Question Title

* 7. What improvements would you like to see in our school?