Despite many obstacles, international R&D cooperation is on the rise around the world - in both private and public sector. Science|Business is conducting this short, anonymous survey to understand the trend better.

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* 1. What is your opinion of the importance of international R&D collaboration?

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* 2. What are the biggest obstacles to cooperating internationally in R&D? (Please pick up to 3)

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* 3. Over the past five years, how has your organisation’s international R&D cooperation evolved?

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* 4. In what part of the world are your organisation’s international R&D partnerships at present? (Please pick all that apply):

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* 5. Generally, have international collaborations proven to be worthwhile for your organisation?

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* 6. How do you get information about international R&D cooperation? From:

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* 7. What specific publications, online or print, do you consult regularly for information about international R&D cooperation, news and projects?

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* 8. Do you think you have a need for more information about international R&D activities?

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* 9. If 'yes' to question 8, what kind would be useful to you? (Please choose all that apply)

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* 10. If 'no' to question 8, why not?

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* 11. Do you, or does your organisation, belong to any associations that help network or make contacts for international R&D collaboration?

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* 12. About your organisation, is it a:

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* 13. Where is the head office of your organisation?

Many thanks for your time. I would be pleased to hear more from you on these topics. You may write to me directly at

Richard L. Hudson