Contact in Box Lacrosse Survey

Changes are being recommended regarding the level of PHYSICAL CONTACT in Box Lacrosse.  Lacrosse Canada welcomes your input from a parent perspective on this topic. 
PLAYER SAFETY is first and foremost the top priority when considering any changes.
Please take the time to complete the survey below.
1.Which province are you from?
2.Which Local Club are you affiliated with?
3.Gender of your athlete
4.Division your athlete plays in (or last division they played in)
5.Which sector of lacrosse does your athlete play?
6.If your athlete has left lacrosse for another activity, what was the primary reason?
7.Other sports have eliminated physical contact in their younger age categories (hockey has eliminated body checking until U15). Would you be in favour of eliminating of cross checking in lacrosse until U15?
8.If you do NOT agree with age U15, at what age would you be in favour of eliminating cross checking in lacrosse?  (if you answered Yes in Q7, skip to Q9)
9.Another recommendation is:  No contact on the ball carrier in U11 and below.

The purpose of this is to increase the development of player confidence when handling the ball and the development of GOOD defensive positioning, (Defenders can establish body position, and ball carriers cannot charge through defenders. Stick checking would still be allowed.)

Would you be in favour of eliminating contact on the ball carrier until U13?
10.If lacrosse were to eliminate contact on a non-ball carrier in minor lacrosse (U17 and below) would this enhance your athletes’ enjoyment of the game? 

(This would mean no cross-checking or excessive physical contact within the dotted line. Defense would be played much like basketball – guiding through the area, not cross checking.)