Survey on Social Innovations (SI)

1.Which group do you belong to?(Required.)
2.Please name your country of residence(Required.)
3.Are you aware of any social innovations (SI) in your country? Please list/describe one or more examples (add a link if possible).(Required.)
4.In your opinion, what are the key characteristics or features of successful social innovations? You can select multiple options.(Required.)
5.Did you take part in or use any SI?(Required.)
6.If yes, please name which one/s.
7.Did you (help) initiate an SI yourself?(Required.)
8.If yes, please name which one/s.
9.Which factors influenced your decision to (help) initiate, take part in, or use an SI? You can select multiple options.(Required.)
10.Don't forget to register for the 3-CO newsletter! Do you want to leave a comment?