Stillness within relaxation survey

Stillness Within Relaxation Survey

We are collecting the following information to assist us in knowing and understanding the positive benefits the Stillness Within Relaxation video has on our in-patients at the Mater Hospital. The video narrative and therapeutic music was developed and designed specifically for patients in hospitals. 
We are very appreciative of your time in completing this survey
1.Are you a patient at the Mater Hospital?
2.Are you a staff member or volunteer at the Mater Hospital?
The following questions are to evaluate how you were thinking and feeling before the relaxation video
3.I was anxious
4.I was scared
5.I was sad
6.I was in pain
7.I was fatigued
The following question are to evaluated how you are thinking and feeling after watching the relation video
8.I am feeling anxious
9.I am feeling scared
10.I am feeling sad
11.I am in pain
12.I am fatigued
13.How valuable do you think this relaxation video is to supporting you whilst in hospital
14.What stayed with you after watching the relaxation video?
Current Progress,
0 of 14 answered