Welcome! Thanks so much for taking the time to answer this year's survey. We've split the survey into sections for part-time freelance, full-time freelance and in-house members (so just answer the one that applies to you). There are other sections for general questions, pay rates and sourcing work - which we hope you'll all answer to give us as big an industry snapshot as possible:

Section 1. General questions
Section 2. Freelancing + part-time
Section 3. Freelancing + full-time
Section 4. Freelance fees + pay rates
Section 5. Sourcing work / promotion / running a freelance business
Section 6. In-house employees

Leave your email at the end to go into the draw to win either a case of mixed wine, or one of three $50 Hoyts movie passes. Results to be published on Rachel's List later in the year... and as always, all information we gather from you remains anonymous (including quotes we may use in the final infographic). Thank you everyone! Rachel & Leo

Question Title

* 1. How long have you been freelancing?

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* 2. What are the top three areas you specialise in?

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* 3. Do you consider freelancing a long-term career option?

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* 4. JOURNALISTS: What new skills have you added / trained for in the past year?

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* 5. If you were to train in anything, what would it be?

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* 6. In the past year, have you thought about giving up freelancing / changing to a new career?

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* 7. What best describes your current work situation?

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* 8. As a part-time freelancer, how many days would you normally work on average?

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* 9. As a part-time freelancer, how much of your working time is spent in a home office?

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* 10. As a part-time freelancer, if you were telling people what you do, you'd say...

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* 11. As a part-time freelancer, if you were telling people what you do, you'd say...

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* 12. As a part-time freelancer, which areas do you earn an income in? (Tick all that apply)

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* 13. But if you had to choose one MAIN source of income, it would be from...

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* 14. As a part-time freelancer, how many clients / editors on average have you worked for in the past year?

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* 15. As a part-time freelancer, what is your annual income (before tax)?

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* 16. Overall, are you satisfied with what you earn as a part-time freelancer?

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* 17. As a full-time freelancer, how many hours a week would you work on average?

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* 18. As a full-time freelancer, how much of your working time is spent in a home office?

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* 19. As a full-time freelancer, if you were telling people what you do, you'd say...

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* 20. As a full-time freelancer, which areas do you earn an income in? (Tick all that apply)

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* 21. But if you had to choose one MAIN source of income, it would be from...

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* 22. As a full-time freelancer, how many clients / editors on average have you worked for in the past year?

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* 23. As a full-time freelancer, what's your estimated annual income (before tax)?

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* 24. Overall, are you satisfied with what you earn as a full-time freelancer?

Okay, here's where we drill down into exactly what you get paid, and the ins and outs of running a freelance business in Australia. We'd love as many of you to answer these sections as possible! (If you're in-house, keep scrolling down to section 6.)

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* 25. SUB-EDITORS: What do you get paid by the hour?

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* 26. JOURNALISTS / REPORTERS: What's the average word rate you get paid for a story?

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* 27. WORD RATES: You'd say no to any writing job that paid under...

Question Title

* 28. Have you been forced to accept lower word rates / fees in general in the past year?

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* 29. COMMS / CORPORATE (who write anything from newsletters to proposals, reports, technical writing, marketing writing): What do you get paid by the word / by the hour?

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* 30. DIGITAL / CONTENT WRITERS (You might write SEO copy; social media content such as tweets, Facebook posts; blog posts, galleries, listicles, video or general website content): What do you get paid by the word / by the hour?

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* 31. PR CONSULTANTS (Your job may involve writing press releases and/or speeches, handling media relations, organising events and campaigns, social media content; blog posts etc): What do you get paid by the word / by the hour?

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* 32. SOCIAL MEDIA WRITERS (You mainly do community management and social media content such as tweets, Facebook posts; Instagram campaigns, Pinterest curation and so on): What do you get paid by the word / by the hour?

Question Title

* 33. BLOGGERS: A lot of journalists and writers have branched out into blogging, or blog on the side while working at other jobs - and we'd love to know what you make blogging. What do you get paid for the sponsored posts which you (or the client) writes and you publish on your website/blog?

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* 34. COPYWRITERS: What do you get paid by the word / by the hour?

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* 35. EDITING (Magazines / newspapers): What do you get paid by the hour or by the day?

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* 36. EDITING (books): What do you get paid by the hour or by the day?

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* 37. PROOFREADING (You may proof-read book manuscripts, annual reports, do tender editing and so on): What do you get paid by the hour or by the day?

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* 38. FREELANCE SENIOR DESIGNERS: What do you get paid by the hour / day?

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* 39. ART DIRECTORS: What do you get paid by the hour / day?

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* 40. PHOTOGRAPHERS: What do you get paid, on average, by the hour / day?

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* 41. FREELANCERS: How do you mainly source your work?

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* 42. FREELANCERS: Where does the bulk of your work come from? Choose any three.

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* 43. FREELANCERS: Do you have an online portfolio?

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* 44. Are you on social media and if so which platforms?

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* 45. Out of your self-promotional tools, which one generates the most income?

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* 46. FREELANCERS: In our changing industry which social media platform is the most valuable to you?

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* 47. FREELANCERS: Would you prefer to be in a full-time in-house role right now?

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* 48. FREELANCERS: What would be your ideal job set-up?

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* 49. FREELANCERS: What do you love most about freelancing? (Choose your top 3)

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* 50. FREELANCERS: What do you loathe about freelancing? (Choose your top 3)

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* 51. FREELANCERS: How much has your annual income changed in the past year?

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* 52. FREELANCERS: Over the past year, have you had to reinvent yourself to make the same money or are you doing what you've always done?

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* 53. IN-HOUSE EMPLOYEES... Please answer the questions below (anonymously of course!)

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* 54. IN-HOUSE: Who do you currently work for?

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* 55. IN-HOUSE: What are the biggest challenges you've faced this year?

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* 56. IN-HOUSE: How do you currently feel in terms of your job security?

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* 57. Fancy winning one of 3 x $50 Hoyts movie passes OR a case of mixed wine? Just pop your email below to go into the draw. And thanks again for taking the time to do the survey! Cheers, Rachel + Leo