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Immersion Language Program Survey
How greatly do you value an immersive language experience for K-5 learners?
Extremely Important
Somewhat Important
Not at all Important
Do you believe a language immersion program is more or less valuable based on regional use of the language?
more important when language is spoken in area
less important when language is spoken in area
this isn't a factor to whether the program is valuable
What qualifications do you believe teaching staff at language immersion programs should require of lead teachers?
a teaching degree and certification
fluency in the foreign language
both a teaching degree with certification and fluency in the foreign language
experience with kids in an education environment and experience with the foreign language
Other (please specify)
On an average income in your area, how much do you believe the maximum tuition should cost for high quality dual language immersion at the elementary level per year?
free, same as public school
less than $5,000/yr per child
less than $10,000/yr per child
less than $30,000/yr per child
no limit/your area has K-5 exceeding 30k and you find this reasonable
To scale with your area's public teacher average salary, what do you believe would be the starting income level of a HQT for such a dual language immersion program?
same as public school start pay
less than public school start pay
more than public school, if they're certified
commiserate w experience regardless of certifications and tuition prices
Other (please specify)
What do you believe, if any, such a program's admissions process should consist of?
ability to pay tuition, w financial supports offered if needed
interest in the program
academic admission process/interview of families
none of the above
all of the above
Other (please specify)
What other factors would be important to you in a dual language immersion program?