Do you know a financial advisor or have one within a referral network? Would you like to nominate them to be recognized in Wealth Professional's 5-Star Advisors feature? We are looking for Canada's leading financial advisors and we would like your help.
The full report will be featured on the website in May.
Nominations close Friday, January 31.
The responses and ratings you have provided in this survey will be kept completely anonymous. Your answers will be aggregated with other responses in order to calculate overall ratings and identify the best advisors. Thank you for taking part in this important research.
For questions and concerns, contact
Editor's note: Clarity on WP awards and ranking lists
AUM, revenue, and sales activity are no longer criteria considered for any WP special reports and awards, advisor recognition, or industry recognition. AUM, revenue, and sales activity are the only stated focuses of the recent regulatory push and are not factors in any awards or recognition given by this publication.
See the full editor's note here: