Community Conversations on Structural Racism Post Discussion Survey

Thank you for participating in the Citizens' Advisory Council on Equity's (CACE) Community Conversations on Structural Racism. Feel free to use this survey as a place to expand on any of the guiding discussion questions or add thoughts were were not able to mention during the discussion. Your responses will be compiled into a report and given to CACE to make recommendations to the Cuyahoga County Executive and County Council on strategies and programs that will create a more equitable county. 
1.Zip Code(Required.)
2.Age Range(Required.)
3.Gender Identity(Required.)
5.Sexual Orientation(Required.)
6.Average Yearly Income(Required.)
7.What are the top three concerns you have about racism today in Cuyahoga County?(Required.)
If you have additional thoughts regarding the questions asked during the discussion, you may add those below. Otherwise, your points made during the discussion have been captured by your breakout room's scribe.
8.We know that Black and Brown community members are impacted by racism. How are you, your family and community impacted by racism?
9.The Citizens' Advisory Council on Equity will focus on four key areas. These include criminal justice (things like bail reform and juvenile and adult justice), healthcare (access to quality medical care, minority health disparities), economic opportunity (things like well-paying jobs and business ownership) and equitable quality of life (quality transportation, access to healthy food, safe and affordable housing). How does racism impact these four focus areas?
10.What changes would you like to see related to the four areas? 
11.What organizations and influencers do you see as important to helping make these changes happen?
12.If you have further comments/ideas/insights you were not able to mention during the discussion, you may do so below.
13.Email Address(Required.)
14.What you like to subscribe to stay up-to-date on the work of the Citizens' Advisory Council on Equity and general information on Cuyahoga County?(Required.)