English Español 中文 English Placemaking for Small Businesses Questionnaire Thank you for taking the time to respond to this survey! Montgomery Planning wants to help small business owners find creative ways to improve their presence on the street. Your answers to the following questions will help inform Montgomery Planning’s approach to placemaking resources and outreach. This questionnaire should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.The Montgomery County Planning Department defines placemaking as the act of improving a common space to make it more welcoming and attractive, so it better serves the needs of the people who use it.Placemaking projects can range from temporary to permanent and include approaches such as sidewalk chalk art, café style seating and string lights, murals, or planters all the way to significant transformations of parking lots into community events.Learn more about Montgomery Planning’s approach to placemaking.Examples of what placemaking can look like: Examples of placemaking in Montgomery County:Sometimes these elements require permits from various Montgomery County government agencies. Examples of placemaking permits that exist in Montgomery County, issued by the Department of Permitting Services (DPS), include: Outdoor café style seating Miscellaneous structures in the right-of-way Special event Question Title * What is the ZIP code where you operate your business? Question Title * Which best describes you? Small business owner (retail) Small business owner (restaurant) Commercial property owner Land use attorney Developer Architect/engineer/surveyor Other (please specify) Question Title * How familiar with the concept of placemaking would you consider yourself? 1 - Not familiar at all; I am learning about it for the first time 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Very familiar; I have implemented it in some form at my business 1 - Not familiar at all; I am learning about it for the first time 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Very familiar; I have implemented it in some form at my business Question Title * Based on your own knowledge of placemaking and the context provided above, how interested are you in implementing it in some form at or around your business? 1 - Not interested at all, it would not be beneficial to me 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Very interested, I implemented or would like to implement a form of placemaking at my business 1 - Not interested at all, it would not be beneficial to me 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Very interested, I implemented or would like to implement a form of placemaking at my business Question Title * Please rank the examples below by what would be most interesting or beneficial to you and your business (rank from most to least). 1 MuralsMove up <img width="372" src="https://surveymonkey-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/survey/519538266/rte/7a0e2f22-d0ba-412e-ab29-df4a7353d5a3.png" height="225" alt=""> MuralsMove down <img width="372" src="https://surveymonkey-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/survey/519538266/rte/7a0e2f22-d0ba-412e-ab29-df4a7353d5a3.png" height="225" alt=""> Murals2 Sidewalk/street artMove up <img width="225" src="https://surveymonkey-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/survey/519538266/rte/52632be2-e470-4d88-b14e-84ce57fad696.png" height="251" alt=""> Sidewalk/street artMove down <img width="225" src="https://surveymonkey-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/survey/519538266/rte/52632be2-e470-4d88-b14e-84ce57fad696.png" height="251" alt=""> Sidewalk/street art3 Café style tables/chairs/string lightsMove up <img width="225" src="https://surveymonkey-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/survey/519538266/rte/78051310-60b1-487b-b2b0-fe5fc8ec7589.png" height="280" alt=""> Café style tables/chairs/string lightsMove down <img width="225" src="https://surveymonkey-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/survey/519538266/rte/78051310-60b1-487b-b2b0-fe5fc8ec7589.png" height="280" alt=""> Café style tables/chairs/string lights4 Shading and/or plantersMove up <img width="417" src="https://surveymonkey-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/survey/519538266/rte/30b3014c-c3c2-46b5-a41b-c45fa74740ed.png" height="225" alt=""> Shading and/or plantersMove down <img width="417" src="https://surveymonkey-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/survey/519538266/rte/30b3014c-c3c2-46b5-a41b-c45fa74740ed.png" height="225" alt=""> Shading and/or planters5 Signage to inform the area about my businessMove up <img width="250" src="https://surveymonkey-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/survey/519538266/rte/f701b5a6-e6c2-4d1e-8745-025de923889b.png" height="329" alt=""> Signage to inform the area about my businessMove down <img width="250" src="https://surveymonkey-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/survey/519538266/rte/f701b5a6-e6c2-4d1e-8745-025de923889b.png" height="329" alt=""> Signage to inform the area about my business6 Larger scale efforts such as street closures/parking spaces turned into usable public spacesMove up <img width="250" src="https://surveymonkey-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/survey/519538266/rte/d4fdc34c-46ef-4ce4-aa7e-fcfa3f5a5ca9.png" height="301" alt=""> Larger scale efforts such as street closures/parking spaces turned into usable public spacesMove down <img width="250" src="https://surveymonkey-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/survey/519538266/rte/d4fdc34c-46ef-4ce4-aa7e-fcfa3f5a5ca9.png" height="301" alt=""> Larger scale efforts such as street closures/parking spaces turned into usable public spaces Question Title * Are there any other elements missing from the above list that could help you market your business better? Question Title * Do you own or lease the commercial space that you operate in? Own Lease Question Title * If you do not own the property, do you think you would be able to secure the property owner’s permission to apply for a placemaking-related permit? Yes No I don’t know Question Title * Have you tried to implement any form of placemaking into the area around your business? Yes No Question Title * If yes to the question above, we welcome any feedback about the process to implementation. Question Title * Would you know which County agency to contact and which permits you would need for the placemaking project you are interested in? Yes No Maybe Question Title * What challenges exist that make implementing placemaking around your business difficult? (Select all that apply) Confusion about County agency permits and purview Application fees Material costs Property owner permissions Environmental constraints Timing I was not previously aware of placemaking Other (please specify) Question Title * What tools or resources would be most helpful for Montgomery Planning to help you implement or consider placemaking? A digital guidebook that explains how to navigate the permitting and regulatory processes Informational webinars about the permitting process A designated point of contact for permitting related questions Other (please specify) Question Title * Please share any other questions or comments you have about placemaking in Montgomery County that would help us better understand the barriers to participation. Question Title * Would you be open to continuing the conversation about placemaking with Montgomery Planning staff? If so, please share your name and email and we will get in touch! First name Last name Question Title * Email Email address Done