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The purpose of this survey is to determine if COVID-19 triggered more IC symptoms and/or discomfort.

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* 1. In the past few months, have you been diagnosed with COVID-19?

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* 2. Did COVID change your IC symptoms?

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* 3. Did your bladder or pelvic pain get worse?

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* 4. Did your frequency get worse? 

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* 5. Did any other IC symptoms worsen during your COVID infection?

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* 6. Did you require hospitalization? 

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* 7. Did you face any IC related challenges if you were hospitalized? If so, what?

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* 8. What advice or words of encouragement would you give to other IC patients struggling with COVID-19?

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* 9. Have you been diagnosed with IC/BPS?

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* 10. Would you like to hear the results of this survey? If so, please share your email address. We would also like to know what state and/or country you are from.

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