Family Survey experience in 20-21 school year
Which best matches your belief about your child's experience in the 2020-2021 school year? (select one)
My child learned a lot last year.
My child learned some last year.
My child learned a little last year.
My child learned nothing last year.
Which best matches your belief about your child's learning?
My child learns better at home.
My child learns equally well at home or at school.
My child learns better at school.
During remote learning, my child learned most when their teacher(s): select the top two
Taught lessons online (live).
Recorded lessons so my child could watch them later.
Assigned online schoolwork for my child to to complete.
Assigned optional work.
None of the above.
How true are the following statements for you?
Very true
Mostly true
A little true
Not true
I am not sure
My child is comfortable talking to their teacher(s).
Very true
Mostly true
A little true
Not true
I am not sure
My child has trusted classmates and friends from school.
Very true
Mostly true
A little true
Not true
I am not sure
My child feels safe at school.
Very true
Mostly true
A little true
Not true
I am not sure
My child is excited to go to class.
Very true
Mostly true
A little true
Not true
I am not sure
SBRSD has my child's best interest at heart.
Very true
Mostly true
A little true
Not true
I am not sure
My child's teacher(s) have their best interest at heart.
Very true
Mostly true
A little true
Not true
I am not sure
I feel comfortable reaching out to my child's teacher(s) if I have a question or concern.
Very true
Mostly true
A little true
Not true
I am not sure
I know whether my children are performing above, at, or below grade-level
Very true
Mostly true
A little true
Not true
I am not sure
I can use the information this school provides me to help my children improve academically.
Very true
Mostly true
A little true
Not true
I am not sure
My child can get help from their teacher when they need it.
Very true
Mostly true
A little true
Not true
I am not sure
I know how to contact my child's teacher(s) if I have a question or concern.
Very true
Mostly true
A little true
Not true
I am not sure
I know what is expected of my child to be successful in their grade.
Very true
Mostly true
A little true
Not true
I am not sure
How are you feeling about sending your child/children back to school this fall?
Confidant that all precautions are in place to keep them safe and healthy.
Happy to have them go back but still concerned about the spread of COVID.
Very concerned about sending them back and wish the state was giving alternatives to in person learning.
Please add any other comments you would like to add here.
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered