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In March 2021, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), which established the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund. This fund helps local governments nationwide with COVID-19 pandemic recovery assistance. Oceanside will receive $32.3 million in federal funding as part of the ARPA. The funds must be used by December 31, 2024.   

The US Treasury released rules on the use of these funds.  Use of Funds Fact Sheet  

Your input on this survey will help guide the use of the funds and help maximize the impact in our community.

Thank you for participating!

Responde la encuesta en español

Question Title

* 1. Are you a resident of Oceanside, California?

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* 2. Are you a business owner in Oceanside, California?

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* 3. The American Rescue Plan (ARP) requires that the City invest in programs or services that fall within the categories listed below.  Please rank each category in order of priority for City use of ARP funds to recover from the pandemic (1-most important to 7-least important):

  1. Replacement of lost public sector revenue used to fund general government operations
  2. Services for households and individuals hardest hit by COVID-19
  3. Services for businesses hardest hit by COVID-19
  4. Hazard pay for essential workers
  5. Investments in water and sewer infrastructure
  6. Investments in broadband internet infrastructure

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* 4. FOR EMPLOYEES:  I'm an employee who was economically impacted by COVID-19 due to...

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* 5. FOR BUSINESS OWNERS:  I'm a business owner who was economically impacted by COVID-19 due to...

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* 6. FOR RESIDENTIAL LANDLORDS:  I'm a residential landlord who was economically impacted by COVID-19 due to...

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* 7. FOR COMMERCIAL LANDLORDS:  I'm a commercial landlord who was economically impacted by COVID-19 due to...

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* 8. What is your biggest challenge in recovering from the pandemic?

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* 9. What TOP THREE issues do you feel the City of Oceanside should address with this funding? 

(Keep in mind that the County of San Diego, who oversees health and human services and the school districts are also receiving allocations to expand/improve their services)


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* 10. Thank you for your input!  Your feedback will help guide the use of the funds for immediate recovery needs and help maximize the impact in our community.   A draft spending plan will be developed that carefully considers the use of these one-time resources as an investment in our community.  The Oceanside City Council will consider the spending plan at a future meeting date. 

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