Survey Instructions

The purpose of this survey is to obtain regional input to best enable staff of the West Piedmont Planning District Commission (WPPDC) / RIDE Solutions to most effectively develop a Commuter Assistance Program Strategic Plan to serve the West Piedmont Planning District (the "Region") by identifying strategies to improve work and non-work transportation options. The Region includes the counties of Franklin, Henry, Patrick, and Pittsylvania, the cities of Danville and Martinsville, and the Town of Rocky Mount (part of Franklin County), in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Please answer each question to the best of your knowledge.

RIDE Solutions is the Region's commuter assistance program, which promotes commuting by carpool, vanpool, public transit (bus), bicycling, walking, as well as use of telework. To learn more about RIDE Solutions, please visit

Question Title

* 1. What is the zip code where you live?

Question Title

* 2. How many days a week, in a typical work week, do you use the following transportation modes for your commute to work, or do you telework (work from home)?  As an example, if you drive alone 3 days a week, select "3 days a week" next to "I drive alone," and if you carpool 2 days a week, select "2 days a week" next to "I carpool."

  1 day a week 2 days a week 3 days a week 4 days a week 5 days a week 6 or more days a week
I drive alone
I carpool
I vanpool
I use public transit, or bus (includes Handi-van or Reserve-a-Ride)
I bike
I walk
I telework (work from home)

Question Title

* 3. If you only travel to work by driving alone, please tell us why.

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate how open you would be to trying the following modes of transportation for your commute to work.

  Very likely Somewhat likely Neither likely nor unlikely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely
Public transit (bus)
Bicycling (for short trips)
Walking (for short trips)

Question Title

* 5. What transportation changes would you like to see take place in our region? Please use the up/down arrows next to each choice to rank from most important to you (the top, or #1 choice) to least important to you (the bottom, or #6 choice).

Question Title

* 6. To what destinations would you like to see more transportation options which may include public transit (bus), carpool, vanpool, or infrastructure to support bicycling or walking (trails, sidewalks, etc.)? Please use the up/down arrows next to each choice to rank from most important to you (the top, or #1 choice) to least important to you (the bottom, or #6 choice).

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* 7. What services offered by RIDE Solutions do you know of, or can you recall?

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* 8. If you are aware of the RIDE Solutions program and the services we offer, how did you learn about the program?

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* 9. What is your current employment status?

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* 10. If employed, what is the name of your employer? (Optional)

Question Title

* 11. If employed, what is the zip code of your employer?