Application Information

The Office of the City Clerk will be accepting applications to fill one (1) vacancy on the Building Safer Communities Steering Committee. Applications will be accepted between the following dates:
  • Tuesday, July 23, 2024 to Sunday, August 25, 2024
The Steering Committee aims to include a wide range of diverse perspectives and expertise, as outlined on page 4 of the Terms of Reference. Individuals who bring one or more of these perspectives are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to an individual representing Indigenous organizations, or an Indigenous individual, who provide support to and/or advocacy for the urban Indigenous community.

About the Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is solutions-oriented and provides information and recommendations to the City of St. John’s on the best ways of addressing the root causes of violence and crime. Committee areas of focus include:

  • Advancing knowledge and evidence of what works in other jurisdictions in Canada as well as locally.
  • Developing a data collection strategy and evaluation framework.
  • Developing local and community–based strategies and key objectives for the prevention of violence and crime for local organizations that focus on:
    • Children, youth, young adults, and their families
    • Vulnerable populations
    • Addressing the root causes of violence and crime
  • Enhancing evidence-based and targeted prevention and intervention activities.
  • Developing a public awareness campaign.
  • Developing a sustainability plan for the Building Safer Communities strategy.
Appointments to the Steering Committee will be made providing adherence with the following eligibility requirements:
  • Individuals and/or organizations represented by Committee members must be based in or serve/do business within the City of St. John’s.
  • Organizational representatives are not required to be residents of St. John’s.
  • Organizational representatives must have decision making authority with the agency that they represent.
  • The City of St. John’s will ensure a broad perspective of ages and diverse perspectives will be included on the Steering Committee during the membership selection process.
Commitment to Equity and Inclusiveness
The City of St. John’s is strongly committed to equity and inclusiveness. The City seeks to remove barriers to participation by designing processes that are transparent, accessible, and free of discrimination.

A paper copy of this survey can be provided. Please contact to request.

Selection Information
In addition to eligibility requirements, the specific skills and experiences of an applicant will be important factors in Committee selection. While all residents who meet the Eligibility Requirements are encouraged to apply, those who have demonstrated experience with groups or initiatives that have goals consistent with the Steering Committee, as outlined in the Terms of Reference, will be given preference.

Applicants must also provide the contact information for two references who are not family members and may also choose to provide a resume at the end of the application.

Privacy Statement
Collection of personal information via this form is authorized under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015 and is needed to process your application. Questions about the collection and use of the information may be directed to the City Clerk by telephone: 709 576 8619 or email: