Tena koe

Thank you for registering and for those of you who were able to - attending the Ethnic Research Hui Aotearoa 2023 - Outputs and opportunities webinar/workshop held on Friday 2 August and co-hosted by Community Research and Aotearoa Migration Research Network.

We'd love to get your feedback and an indication of any interest you have for future activities on these topics. This will only take a few minutes and any personal details you provide will be confidential to Community Research and only used for administrative purposes.

Question Title

* 1. Feedback about the webinar (for webinar attendees)
To what extent do you think the webinar:

  Not at all A little Somewhat A lot Totally
- was worthwhile attending
- provided you with new insights and information
- was thought-provoking
- is of current relevance to communities/researchers

Question Title

* 2. Please provide any feedback comments below.

Question Title

* 3. Interest in future activities (for everyone)
Please indicate if you are interested in follow-on activities that Community Research may hold about the webinar topics. Please tick as many as you wish.