Thank you for completing this short survey about Avenel Park.
Your feedback will help Council better understand how the new park elements are being used and how we can improve in the future.

Question Title

* 1. What main activity did you come to this park for?

Question Title

* 2. To what extent do you agree with the following statements about this park?

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
This park gives me better access to nature
This park has good activities, programs and events
This park has suitable equipment for its purpose (e.g. courts, fitness, skate, ball games)
This park has suitable facilities for its purpose (e.g. seating, toilets, shade)
I would feel safe using this park during the day
I would feel safe using this park at night
This park has increased the liveability of this area
I feel a sense of belonging at this park
I have opportunities to develop my physical skills and knowledge at this park
I have more access to active and passive recreation opportunities at this park

Question Title

* 3. How long do you intend to stay?

Question Title

* 4. What other activities would you like to be able to do at this park?

Question Title

* 5. How often do you visit this park?

Question Title

* 6. When do you usually visit this park? (tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 7. Which suburb do you live in?

Question Title

* 8. If you would like to be contacted for future feedback, please provide your email address:

Please click DONE below to submit your responses.

Thankyou for your input into the development and maintenance of public space in Fairfield City.

For further information, contact Council's Open Space team on 9725 0222 or

PROTECTING YOUR PRIVACY – The personal information requested on this Form will only be used to fulfil the purpose for which it is being collected. The supply of this information by you is voluntary but if you cannot or do not wish to provide the personal information sought, we may not be able to process your application. Council is regarded as the agency that holds the information and will endeavour to ensure that this information remains accurate and up-to-date. You may also request an amendment to information held by Council or for suppression of your information from a Public Register. Should you require further information please contact Council’s Privacy Contact Officer.