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* 1. What is the age of your youngest child?

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* 2. How long have you been working on potty training with your child?

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* 3. Can you describe your strategy when you first approached potty training?

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* 4. What challenges have you faced so far in potty training?

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* 5. Which of the challenges would you say is the biggest frustration?

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* 6. What impact has potty training had on your day-to-day?

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* 7. What methods or tools have you used to assist with potty training? How well did they work?

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* 8. How could a potty training app make your life easier or more manageable?

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* 9. What are the most important factors when choosing a tool to help with potty training (e.g., ease of use, child engagement, flexibility)?

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* 10. What does success look like to you regarding potty training?