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We’d like your feedback on station area planning for the  METRO Purple Line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) stations located south of Maryland Avenue in Saint Paul at Cook Ave., Arcade St., Payne Ave., Cayuga Ave., Olive St., Mt. Airy St., 14th St., and 10th St.  We are seeking your input on opportunities and issues in the area within ½ mile from these proposed stations.  

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Proposed station locations

Map of proposed station areas with half mile buffer

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* 1. Which station area(s) do you live or work near? (select all that apply)

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* 2. What do you value most about your neighborhood?

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* 3. What types of community events would you like to see more of? (select all that apply)

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* 4. What would make your neighborhood more appealing for families? (select all that apply)

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* 5. How can we foster a more inclusive neighborhood for people of all ages and abilities? (select all that apply)

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* 6. What types of investments would you like to see in your neighborhood parks or green space? (select all that apply)

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* 7. What makes you feel safe while walking, rolling, or biking in your neighborhood? (select all that apply)

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* 8. How should the sidewalk space be used near small businesses and bus stops? (select all that apply)

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* 9. What types of businesses are missing from your neighborhood? (select all that apply)

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* 10. How would you describe the culture of your neighborhood? (for example, shopping environment, gathering places, social interaction, activities, etc.)

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* 11. What about your neighborhood would you want to stay the same?

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* 12. How might you want your neighborhood to change?

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* 13. How often do you ride Metro Transit?

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* 14. What is your age?

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* 15. How do you describe your race, ethnicity, and/or origin? Select all that apply.

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* 16. What is your gender?

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* 17. What is your zip code?

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* 18. How do you describe your disability/ability status? We are interested in this identification regardless of whether you identify as being disabled. Your answers help Metro Transit make its services more universally accessible. Select all that apply.

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* 19. Which of the following best describes the income of your household in 2022?

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