Oshawa Land Use Plan Agricultural Users Survey

1.Are you aware of the agricultural terminal at the Port of Oshawa?
2.What benefits does the Port of Oshawa have for you?
3.Which crops do you produce?
4.Which production region is your facility located in?
5.Do you anticipate introducing new types of crops? If yes, which ones?
6.Do you expect your production volumes to increase in the next 5-10 years?
7.How does your grain get to port?
8.When you deliver grain to a port terminal, for what % of trips to port are you able to have a backhaul load? And what commodity are you typically hauling?
9.How might service at the port be improved?
10.What types of new agricultural-related infrastructure would be most valuable?
11.What alternatives to the Port of Oshawa might you consider (port / terminals)?
12.How can HOPA/Port of Oshawa help you? Do you have any other comments?