AMP molecular professionals have many operational questions about how to implement the final FDA Rule within their clinical laboratories. The purpose of this form is to gather clinical laboratory practice or compliance related questions and submit them to the FDA with a request for additional guidance.

AMP will compile all questions received and submit them to the FDA every 14 business days. You may also upload a limited size supporting document with your question. AMP will post the questions and any answers received on our FDA RULE RESOURCES FOR LABORATORIES website.

For more information, contact AMP Clinical & Scientific Affairs. To submit policy or advocacy related questions to the FDA, use the form located at www.amp.org/ldt.

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. Address (optional):

Question Title

* 3. Institution/Organization (optional):

Question Title

* 5. Phone (optional):

Question Title

* 6. Which of the following BEST describes your clinical laboratory institution/organization?

Question Title

* 7. Topic of your Laboratory Practice / Compliance Question:

Question Title

* 8. Laboratory Practice / Compliance Question for FDA:

Question Title

* 9. What identifying (or potentially identifying) information may we share with the FDA and/or on our resources webpage/in public?

  FDA Webpage/public
Institution/Organization Type
Contact Information (FDA only)