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The Presbytery Executive Commission wants to help our Presbytery confront and work towards dismantling structural racism. The following few questions reflect some ideas and opportunities we want to offer. Please take a few minutes and respond for yourself and/or your church. Thank you.

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* 1. We are thinking of beginning some facilitated groups on specific topics with other interested Presbytery members. Would you be interested in participating in any of these topics? (Select as many as apply.)

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* 2. We will be using the Intercultural Development Inventory for Presbytery members to learn about cultural awareness across the Presbytery. The survey takes about half an hour, and would be added to a Presbytery-wide composite report (anonymously). In addition, you will be invited to receive a confidential consultation based on your personal survey. Would you be interested in participating in this survey?

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* 3. We are working with our neighboring presbyteries to hold two guided virtual trips to our border with Mexico, to learn more about people seeking asylum in the United States, and to interact with mission groups on the border advocating for justice for immigrants. Each trip is limited to 18 committed participants and each week there is a 1½ to 2½-hour Zoom commitment. We are planning to have one group journey in May and another in September. The cost is estimated to be $100 per person. Would you be interested in participating in this virtual border trip?

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* 4. Our Committee on Representation and Nominations seeks faithful and effective leaders who represent the diversity of our Presbytery. Are you interested in serving at the Presbytery level, and in what way? (Select as many as apply.)

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* 5. Name

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* 6. Church or Ministry

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* 7. Email

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