Roanoke Region: COVID-19 Business Impact Survey You've probably been asked to complete a variety of surveys during this time. This is the only survey designed for all companies in the Roanoke Region and implemented only from the Alleghany Highlands to Roanoke Valley to Franklin County. Please take just a few minutes to complete because the information collected will help design and implement assistance for our region. Question Title * 1. What is your current operating status? Still operating facility Operating remotely Voluntary closure Forced closure Question Title * 2. Are you confident in your plans regarding COVID-19? Yes No Still formulating response/plan Question Title * 3. If your business is still operating, at what capacity on a percentage basis are you operating? Question Title * 4. If your business closed, what date did you close? Question Title * 5. What is your current total employee count (as of completion of this survey)? Question Title * 6. Has your employee count changed due to COVID-19? Yes No Question Title * 7. If employee count has changed, how many are new hires and how many have been laid off or terminated? Laid off Terminated New Hires Question Title * 8. Has your company experienced any issues with supply chain management due to COVID-19? No Yes, please explain. Question Title * 9. Please answer the following questions regarding remote working for your workforce? What percentage of your workforce is unable to work remotely? What percentage of your workforce is currently working remotely? Question Title * 10. Which of the following barriers prevent a higher level of adaptation of remote working for your business? Software Equipment (computers, hardware) Broadband availability Company policy Industry compatibility (manufacturing, retail, restaurant, consumer services) Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. If employees are temporarily not reporting for work, what percentage will be paid during the work hiatus? What percentage will be paid? How many weeks will workers be paid in a temporary shutdown scenario? Question Title * 12. If any are to be paid, for how many weeks will they be paid? Question Title * 13. Is the company providing any temporary aid to unpaid employees during their furlough? Question Title * 14. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you evaluate workforce morale today with 1 being low and 10 being high? Low (1) 2 3 4 Neutral (5) 6 7 8 9 High (10) Low (1) 2 3 4 Neutral (5) 6 7 8 9 High (10) Question Title * 15. In addition to general health, what is your greatest concern for employees during this time of emergency? Question Title * 16. Please estimate your company's weekly revenue change as a result of COVID-19? 0% to 10% 11 to 20% 21 to 30% 31 to 40% 41 to 50% 51 to 60% 61 to 70% 71 to 80% 81 to 90% 91 to 100% Increase Increase 0% to 10% Increase 11 to 20% Increase 21 to 30% Increase 31 to 40% Increase 41 to 50% Increase 51 to 60% Increase 61 to 70% Increase 71 to 80% Increase 81 to 90% Increase 91 to 100% Decrease Decrease 0% to 10% Decrease 11 to 20% Decrease 21 to 30% Decrease 31 to 40% Decrease 41 to 50% Decrease 51 to 60% Decrease 61 to 70% Decrease 71 to 80% Decrease 81 to 90% Decrease 91 to 100% Question Title * 17. Do you have standing lines of credit to help bridge this business interruption? Yes No Question Title * 18. Have you contacted your bank about a bridge loan or other financing? Yes No Unnecessary Lenders are not responding Question Title * 19. What are your top three concerns moving forward? Decreasing consumer confidence/spending Financial impact on liquidity, operations, and capital Global or US Recession Impact on Tax and Trade Issues Lack of information for decision-making Lower productivity Supply chain disruptions Workforce reduction Employee stress Loss of workforce Other (please specify) Question Title * 20. Do you anticipate any permanent reductions in your workforce? Yes No Unsure Question Title * 21. If reductions are anticipated? How many in the next few months to a year? 3 months? 6 months? 12 months? Question Title * 22. Are you interested in an SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan? Yes No Question Title * 23. What business supports would you think beneficial as we navigate this global challenge? Technical assistance Employee resources Distribution of other employer best practices Assistance referrals Other (please specify) Question Title * 24. Which one of the following best describes your organization's primary industry? (select one only). Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing/Hunting Mining/Quarrying/Oil and Gas Extraction Utilities Construction Manufacturing Wholesale Trade (i.e. purchase or sale of goods for resale) Retail Trade (i.e. auto dealers, furniture stores, hardware stores, grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations/convenience stores, clothing stores, jewelry stores, gift stores, florists, office supplies, etc.) Transportation and Warehousing Information (i.e. newspapers, movie and sound recording, telecommunications, data processing and hosting) Finance and Insurance Real Estate Rental and Leasing Professional Scientific and Technical Services (i.e. legal services, accounting services, architectural and engineering services, computer system design services, consulting services, etc.) Management of Companies and Enterprises (i.e. regional offices, Headquarters, holding companies) Administrative Support Waste Management Educational Services (private schools, colleges/universities, tutoring services, public schools, educational services) Health Care Social Assistance Arts and Entertainment (i.e. arts, performances) Recreation (i.e. outfitters, sports/fitness companies, gyms, tourist experience businesses). Accommodation and Lodging (i.e. hotels, motels, bed and breakfast) Dining and Food Services (i.e. restaurants, caterers, food trucks, bars, food preparation) Other services (i.e. auto repair, equipment repair, barbers, beauty salons, funeral services, dry cleaning, churches and religious organizations, civic and social organizations, business and professional associations, labor unions, etc). Public administration (local, state, federal government) Other Not Sure Question Title * 25. Please indicate your company's annual revenue range? $0 to $24,999 $25,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $199,999 $200,000 to $499,999 $500,000+ Unsure Question Title * 26. Respondent Information (The information in this survey will not be shared except in aggregate. But by completing these confidential questions, information resources may be be directed to your business). IF YOU DESIRE FOLLOWUP, PLEASE COMPLETE SO WE KNOW HOW TO CONTACT YOU. Name Business Name Address Zip Code Email Address Phone Number Question Title * 27. Do we have permission to follow up with you on any of your specific concerns or to invite you to future business workshops? Yes No Question Title * 28. Does your company have a COVID-19 Response Coordinator? Please share his/her contact. Name Title Email Address Phone Number Question Title * 29. Do you have other comments or concerns that you wish to share? Question Title * 30. In which localities do you have physical locations? Alleghany County City of Covington Botetourt County Franklin County Roanoke County City of Roanoke City of Salem Other (please specify) Done