Community Needs Assessment survey

Dear Community Member:

As part of our strategic planning, Brattleboro Community TV ("BCTV") wants to know how well we are meeting the needs of the community as a public access TV station and community media center. Your responses will help shape the future of BCTV. Thank you for your time!
1.Please check any sector of the community you represent (paid or volunteer). Check all that apply.
2.Please select your age range.
3.Please indicate where you live, work, volunteer, or attend school. Check all that apply.
Where I live
Where I work
Where I volunteer
Where I attend school
4.Please check any statement below that describes your views on cable TV.
5.How often do you watch BCTV programs?
6.How do you watch BCTV programs? Please check all that apply.
7.How important are BCTV's services?
Very Important
Somewhat important
I'm not aware of this service
Video coverage of local municipal meetings
Video coverage of community events
Video coverage of religious services
Lending video production equipment to residents to create programming
Offering studio space and editing equipment to residents to create programming
Offering technical support and training to residents to create programming
Broadcasting local programs on cable channels 1075 & 1085
Uploading local programs to BCTV's YouTube channel and website for online viewing
Posting noncommercial announcements on e-bulletin board between programs
8.How do you find information about BCTV's programming schedule?
9.What kinds of community-based programs would you like to see on BCTV? Please check all that apply.
10.What should BCTV prioritize over the coming years to best serve the community?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered