The Business, Economic, and Community Outreach Network (BEACON) at Salisbury University is working with the City of Salisbury and the Salisbury Zoological Park to study the economic impact of the Zoo. Your input will help us understand how the Zoo affects our local economy and identify ways to improve it.

Completing this survey should take approximately five to eight minutes. Rest assured that all responses will remain confidential. The results will be analyzed as a group, with no individual identification being disclosed.

Upon completing the survey, you will have the opportunity to enter to win a $250 gift card. Your participation is greatly appreciated and essential in helping us support and enhance the Salisbury Zoo.

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* 1. Are you 18 years or older?

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* 2. What is the ZIP code of your primary residence?

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* 3. Including yourself, how many were in your party when you visited today?

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* 4. Did you stay or are you currently staying in paid lodging in Wicomico County for this visit?

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* 5. How often during the year do you visit the Salisbury Zoo?

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* 6. Do you visit other attractions in the area before or after your visit to the Zoo?

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* 7. Do you visit local restaurants and/or shops in the area before or after your visit to the Zoo?

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* 8. Do you make a donation when you visit the Zoo?

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* 9. If you choose to donate, how much do you typically donate during your visit to the Zoo?

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* 10. What do you enjoy most about the Salisbury Zoo? Select up to three answers.

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* 11. Do you have any suggestions or comments regarding the Zoo?