Question Title

* 1. What is your full name?

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* 2. What is your email?

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* 3. How old are you?

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* 4. Where do you call home? (Town & State)

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* 5. How many pairs of sunglasses do you own and use regularly?

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* 6. When did you last buy a pair of sunnies?

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* 7. What were they?

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* 8. Why did you choose that pair?

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* 9. What features or qualities are most important to you when you purchase sunnies? (select 3 options)

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* 10. What shape tickles your fancy the most?

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* 11. Would you spend more money on sunnies if they were polarised?

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* 12. When choosing a sunglass, does lens colour impact your decision?

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* 13. What is the difference between premium and non-premium eyewear?

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* 14. Where are you buying your shades?

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* 15. Does the shop staff influence your decision making?

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* 16. What information would you rely on shop staff to provide?

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* 17. Congratulations you just won a $1000 voucher to your favourite surf store. What are you buying? (pick 3 options)

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* 18. Do you surf? Or ski/snowboard? Or both?

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* 19. The surf is pumping AND it dumped a metre of snow at the resorts- which way you heading?

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* 20. What other sports/lifestyle activities do you participate in (select 3)

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* 21. What is your profession

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* 22. How often do you surf

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* 23. Do you keep up with the latest trends in surfing?

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* 24. How do you consume your surf content (pick 3)

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* 25. If you had to chose one of the following, what would you chose

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* 26. How important is Brand reputation when it comes to buying anything

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* 27. How much does the endorsement of an athlete impact your likelihood to purchase something