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We need your help to find the best way to help property owners take care of their properties. We understand that life gets busy and property maintenance isn’t always the top priority. Sometimes properties may fall into disrepair and become an eyesore for the neighborhood. Currently, the City’s process for private property maintenance issues is complaint driven. This means that when the City receives a property complaint, staff investigate and work to resolve the particular issue as it relates to health, welfare or safety.

Many residential subdivisions in Mason have a Homeowners Association (HOA), which often have strict property maintenance requirements that homeowners agree to abide by with the purchase of their homes. The City has been asked to consider property maintenance rules for the community which would further define types of health, welfare and safety issues and establish enforcement to bring properties into compliance. By completing the brief survey below, you will help the City determine if the community is supportive of developing a property maintenance code.

Maintaining a beautiful community remains a key component for enhancing the quality of life for residents and businesses and building Mason’s culture of wellness.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

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* 1. Which of the below answers best describes how you are connected to the City of Mason?

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* 2. Is the area where you currently live part of an active Homeowners Association (HOA)?

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* 3. If you live in Mason, what is your approximate location? (Example: address, street, or intersection such as “near Western Row Road and Reading Road”)

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* 4. What is your age range?

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* 5. Scale of 1 - 10 how important is property maintenance to you?

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* 6. Scale of 1 - 10 how important should property maintenance be to the City of Mason?

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* 7. Where is property maintenance most important?

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* 8. What structural or permanent parts of a home or business are important enough to need rules on maintaining them?
Select which should be prioritized:

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* 9. What kinds of care for the outside of a home or business are important enough to need rules maintaining them?
Select which should be prioritized:

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* 10. What kinds of care for the ground outside a home or business are important enough to need rules on maintaining them?
Select which should be prioritized:

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* 11. What vehicles kept outside a home or business are important enough to need rules maintaining them?
Select which should be prioritized:

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* 12. What other things outside a home or business are important enough to need rules on maintaining them?
Select which should be prioritized:

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* 13. We all fall behind on our responsibilities from time to time. In your opinion, how long should we give our neighbors to catch backup? Duration options:

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* 14. If something about your neighbor’s property is concerning, how likely are you to talk to the neighbor about your concern before contacting the City?

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* 15. The City’s current policy is to respond to property maintenance complaints only. Which approach would you prefer?

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* 16. The City already helps with property maintenance by picking up brush, leaves, and trash. What else could the city do to help people maintain their homes and businesses? Please be specific.

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